

2024-03-13 地方营销 131


  田润土,字:凡白,号:谷虚。甘肃礼县人,1967 年生,中国文联名誉顾问,人民大会堂艺术顾问,中国国际艺术馆名誉馆长,孙晓云工作室中央级专家,中国书法家协会理事,国家特级书法师,中国书法艺术流派《古典表现派》创始人,人美出版社大红袍书法家。现为世界杰出华人协会副理事长,中国首届权威专家(书法),皇家艺术学院客座教授,中国网络资讯台、北京成名翰墨书画院艺术顾问,中国当代艺术家联合会、长城魂当代诗书画家协会特邀名誉主席,黄河文化艺术研究院、北方国画院名誉院长,中国古文化艺术研究会特邀学部委员,中国国学院大学专家委员会、中国经济研究中心特邀高级研究员。

  荣誉称号:东方之子爱国书画名人一百杰;当代中日书画精英一百杰;当代书画艺术一百杰;中国百名改革创新风云人物;与时俱进与奥运俱进金像奖专家;最具影响力 50 位书法名家(中书协颁);德艺双馨艺术名家(中文联颁);荣宝斋 350 周年《终身成就奖》;《中国书画终身成就奖》(中文联颁);国家一级艺术大师(文化部颁);优秀书画导师(文旅部颁);中华人民共和国书法大家;中国艺坛2023 年度优秀艺术家;荣耀中国形象大使;中国收藏推荐艺术名家;中国文学界艺术人物典藏级艺术名家。





  展出交流:2006 年作品在北京人民大会堂展出;2007 年参加中国国际艺术博览会北京展出并参加香港中华中心艺术馆 2007 年金秋拍卖会;2008 年作品在波兰、日本、捷克、法国、澳大利亚、韩国巡展;奥运会期间参加全国书画家收藏拍卖活动作品刻入奥运碑林;2009 年作品赴德国、荷兰、法国、卢森堡、意大利、西班牙、瑞士、梵蒂岗等欧洲八国巡展拍卖;2013 年参加庆祝十八大三中全会中国当代实力派书画家书画专场拍卖会;2014 年参加北京一首尔,中国当代实力派书画专场拍卖会;2017 年作品被人民大会堂收藏;2020 年参加中国网络咨讯台抗击疫情书画展获一等奖,中国艺术改革发展委员会授予“弘扬传统文化,众志成城抗击疫情,当代英雄人物”。2020年参加全国两会献礼活动,被推荐为“2020 年当代艺术领军人物”。

  2021 年参加纪念中国共产党诞辰 100 周年和艺秋书画展获一等奖。2021 年作品在北京一得阁美术馆展出。2021 年首届中华艺术奥运盛典特等奖。2021 年中国根—海峡两岸书画名家交流活动特等奖。2021年参加文化中国名家作品在北京地铁一号线列车上展出。2021 年“讲好中国故事”中国书画名家欧洲展。2021 年参加中国艺术名家五人作品展。2022 年作品被特别推荐为全国两会献礼。2022 年琉璃厂重点推荐艺术家作展。2022 年作品在中宣时代报海外版专版登载向一百多个国家发行。2022 年中国国际艺术馆“孙晓云、田润土作品双人展”。2022 年作品收入“中华人民共和国党中央台历”和“中国艺术白皮书”向党中央汇报。 2023 年作品在美国纽约广场“中国书画名家海外展”大屏幕播放。2023 年作品在文旅部举办 42 国“茶和天下”雅集活动中印成海报发行。2023 年作品参加美国杜邦拍卖会。2023 年作品参加香港国丰福德拍卖会,2023 年参加中法建交 60 周年书画展。

  Tian Runtu, courtesy name: Fan Bai, courtesy name: Gu Xu.Born in 1967 in Lixian, Gansu Province, he is an honorary advisor to the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles,an art consultant at the Great Hall of the People, an honorary director of the China International Art Museum, a central levelexpert in Sun Xiaoyun's studio, a director of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, a national special level calligrapher, the founder of the Chinese calligraphy art school"Classical Expressionism", and a calligrapher from Dahongpao,Renmei Publishing House. He is currently the Vice Chairman of the World Outstanding Chinese Association, the first authoritative expert in calligraphy in China, a visiting professor at the Royal Academy of Arts, an art consultant at the China Network Information Channel and Beijing Chengming Hanmo Calligraphy and Painting Academy, a special honorary chairman of the China Contemporary Artists Federation and the Great Wall Soul Contemporary Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Artists Association, an honorary dean of the Yellow River Culture and Art Research Institute and the Northern Chinese Painting Academy, and a special invited member of the Chinese Ancient Culture and Art Research Association, Invited Senior Researcher by the Expert Committee of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the China Center for Economic Research.

  Honorary title: Top 100 Patriotic Calligraphy and Painting Celebrities, Son of the East; One hundred outstanding contemporary Chinese and Japanese calligraphy and painting elites; One Hundred Outstanding Contemporary Calligraphy andPainting Arts; One hundred reform and innovation figures in China; Expert in keeping up with the times and advancing with the Olympics, awarded the Golden Statue Award; 50 most influential calligraphers (awarded by the Chinese Calligraphy Association); Deyi Shuangxin Art Master (Chinese Joint Award);The Lifetime Achievement Award for the 350th Anniversary of Rongbaozhai; The Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Calligraphy and Painting (jointly awarded in Chinese);National first-class art master (awarded by the Ministry of Culture); Excellent Calligraphy and Painting Mentor (awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism); Master of Calligraphy in the People's Republic of China; Outstanding Artist of the Year 2023 in the Chinese Art World; Honor China Ambassador;Recommended art masters for Chinese collection; A collection level art master of artistic figures in the Chinese literary world.

  Cultural foundation: comprehending the virtues of Lao Zhuang, being pure and free from vulgarity, and writing without dust; Cultivate the spirit of Confucius and Mencius, with a broad mind and broad mindedness; Ji Jing's poetry and prose bring forth beauty in his writing, while he casually cherishes jade; Advocating martial arts with the help of pen and chisel,painting with iron and silver hooks; Exploring the knowledge of the Book of Changes, observing the news of gains and losses,and understanding changes and maintaining normalcy; The hidden inspirational book discusses the lighthouse navigation, and the holy realm awaits.

  The origin of teaching methods: learning from the past and learning from the present, while cursive script represents Xi,Xian, Xu, and Su; The use of Xingkai script by the two kings,Ou, Yu, Beihai, Mi, and Zhao, with their refinement and grandeur,is novel and unpredictable. Creative philosophy: Extracting commonalities, highlighting individuality, combining law with meaning, emotion with rhyme, building a contemporary aesthetic expression, and aligning with modernity. Final goal: To appreciate both refined and popular culture, resonate with the Chinese people, innovate and innovate, prioritize originality,liberate brushstrokes, create space, break down and inherit,and enhance art.

  Works included in the compilation: Chinese business community, successful archives of Chinese people, Chinese merchants, Chinese calligraphy and painting sentiment,collection guide for prosperous art, heading towards glory,Chinese railway timetable, builders of harmonious society,Chinese Ode, collection of works by global Chinese calligraphy and painting masters, Chinese collection, character style,generation of masters, overview of China's import and export development, 100 art masters who have influenced China, Chinese elderly calligraphy and painting art, celebrity masterpieces Top 10 Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Painters, Dictionary of Chinese Experts and Celebrities, Dictionary of World Outstanding Chinese People's Congress, Essence of International Outstanding Experts' Essays, Journal of Meritorious Figures of the Republic, Selected Research on China's Reform, Development and Innovation, Light of Prosperity, Light of Harmony, Collection of Fine Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibitions to Eight European Countries, Value Guidance for Chinese Calligraphers and Painters, Calligraphy Master and Master (Shen Pengtian Runtu Volume), Foreign Language Edition of Zhongxuan Times Newspaper Renmei Publishing House's Dahongpao Collection of Chinese Modern and Contemporary Masters, Comprehensive Volume, and a Dictionary of Chinese Famous Calligraphers and Painters from All Dynasties, totaling over 100 books and periodicals.

  Calligraphy Essays: Traditional Chinese Calligraphy Songs,Essence of Traditional Chinese Calligraphy Techniques,Essentials of Traditional Chinese Calligraphy Practice and Aesthetics, General Introduction to Calligraphy, On Wild Grass,On Running Grass.

  Exhibition and exchange: The works were exhibited at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in 2006; In 2007,participated in the China International Art Expo Beijing Exhibition and participated in the 2007 Golden Autumn Auction at the Hong Kong China Center Art Museum; In 2008, the works were exhibited on tours in Poland, Japan, Czech Republic,France, Australia, and South Korea; During the Olympic Games, participating in the National Calligrapher and Painter Collection Auction, carving works into the Olympic Stele Forest;In 2009, the works were exhibited and auctioned in eight European countries including Germany, the Netherlands, France,Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and Vatican City; In 2013, participated in the special auction for contemporary Chinese powerful calligraphers and painters celebrating the Third Plenary Session of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; In 2014, participated in the auction of contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting in Seoul,Beijing; The work was collected by the Great Hall of the People in 2017; In 2020, he won first prize at the China OnlineInformation Channel Anti epidemic Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition, and was awarded the title of "Promoting Traditional Culture, Working Together to Fight the Epidemic, Contemporary Hero" by the China Arts Reform and Development Commission. In 2020, he participated in the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and was recommended as the "2020 Leading Figure in Contemporary Art".In 2021, he participated in the 100th anniversary of the birth of the CPC and won the first prize in the Art Autumn Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition. The work will be exhibited at the Yide Ge Art Museum in Beijing in 2021. Special Prize at the First Chinese Art Olympics in 2021. Special Prize for the 2021 China Roots Cross Strait Calligraphy and Painting Masters Exchange Activity. In 2021, works of cultural Chinese masters were exhibited on the Beijing Metro Line 1 train. The 2021 "Telling the Story of China" European Exhibition of Famous Chinese Calligraphers and Painters. In 2021, participated in the exhibition of works by five famous Chinese artists. In 2022,the work was specially recommended as a gift for the National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In 2022, Liulichang will focus on recommending artists for exhibitions. In 2022, the work was published in theoverseas edition of Zhongxuan Times and distributed to more than 100 countries. The 2022 China International Art Museum's"Sun Xiaoyun and Tian Runtu Double Exhibition". The 2022 works will be reported to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China through the "Taiwan Calendar of the Central Committee of the People's Republic of China" and the "White Paper on Chinese Art". The work of 2023 was broadcasted on the large screen of the "Overseas Exhibition of Chinese Calligraphers and Painters" in New York Square, USA. In 2023, the artwork was printed and distributed as a poster during the 42 country "Tea and the World" event held by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.The work will participate in the DuPont auction in the United States in 2023. In 2023, the artwork participated in the Hong Kong Guofeng Fude Auction, and in 2023, participated in the calligraphy and painting exhibition for the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France.








  您的书法作品体现了“如清风出袖,明月入怀”的美好感受,作品整体结构朴素自然,既脱胎于传统又具有时代气息,可以看出国学文化已较好地融入在您的作品中,通过您的书法作品我们看到了澎湃的创作激情、高远的韵致、深广的情怀、坚定的品质和浩然正气,希望您继续在书法艺术的规律上下工夫,进一步加强国学文化的学习和积累, 假以时日,定能在书法领域更上一层楼,最终在创作上达到“敏思藏于胸,巧态发与毫”的艺术妙境,为我国的国学文化与书法艺术史留下吉光片羽。


