2024-03-24 财经动态 122
1992 年作品《荷塘情趣》入选全国首届中国花鸟画览,《秋韵》参加中国美术家协会主办的迎澳门回归展览获优秀奖。1999 年参加联合国在纽约举办的国际第三届"金鸡奖书画大赛获银奖,同年作品《荷塘新水立多时》入选中国画三百家展览,2002 年参加中国美术家协会主办的二十一世纪中国画澳大利亚展获铜奖。先后赴欧洲法国、德国、比利时、荷兰、瑞士、意大利、卢森堡、英国及美国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国、泰国、缅甸、老挝、尼泊尔等国进行艺术交流及展览活动。多次举办了国内国外个人展览及交流,出版有中国天津美术出版社,中国图书出版社新华书店多部个人著作画集,部分作品被国内外艺术馆美术机构驻外使领馆收藏,作品被中国近现代美术年鉴挡案出版社收入大型美术文献典藏,2005 年被国家科技奖励办颁发优秀人民艺术家奖,受聘为中华文化艺术学会执行秘书长。2013年被敦聘为英国皇家艺术研究院荣誉院士,客座教授并颁发骑士勋章。2019-1-18 被法兰西艺术研究院聘为艺术搏士并颁发艺术和文学骑士勋章。
Zhang Yihua, from Neihuang, Henan. Graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and studied Chinese painting under the guidance of Mr. LiKeran. I currently work as the Executive Vice Chairman of the China Urban Art Professional Committee of the China Urban Development Research Association of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a member of the China Artists Association,Vice President of the China Academy of Calligraphy, Painting and Printing, and Vice Chairman of the Art Committee of the China Calligraphy and Painting Masters Network.
In 1992, the work "Lotus Pond Charm" was selected for the first National Chinese Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition, and"Autumn Rhyme" won the Excellent Award at the Macao Return Exhibition organized by the Chinese Artists Association. In 1999, he participated in the third international "Golden Rooster Award Painting and Calligraphy Competition" held by the United Nations in New York and won the silver medal. In the same year, his work "New Water in the Lotus Pond" was selected into 300 exhibitions of Chinese painting. In 2002, he participated in the 21st Century Chinese Painting Australia Exhibition hosted by the Chinese Artists Association and won the bronze medal. We have visited France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, as well as the United States, Australia, Japan, SouthKorea, Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Nepal and other countries in Europe for art exchange and exhibition activities. I have held multiple personal exhibitions and exchanges both domestically and internationally, and have published several collections of personal works and paintings by Tianjin Fine Arts Publishing House and Xinhua Bookstore of China Book Publishing House. Some of my works have been collected by art museums and consulates abroad, and my works have been included in a large-scale art literature collection by China Modern Art Yearbook Publishing House. In 2005, I was awarded the Excellent People's Artist Award by the National Science and Technology Awards Office,Appointed as the Executive Secretary General of the Chinese Culture and Arts Society. In 2013, he was appointed as an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Academy of Arts, a visiting professor, and awarded the Knight's Order. On January 18, 2019,he was appointed as an artistic warrior by the French Academy of Arts and awarded the Knight of Arts and Literature Medal.