

2024-06-30 财经动态 131


张绪仁,字,延德、笔名,仁修、号,鹤山道人、老学生、文仆字农,半醒半醉。甘肃镇原人, 1955 年出生,大专学历,现居甘肃兰州。现为国际事务国务院国宾礼特供艺术家,中南海国礼艺术大师、国家一级美术师、中国东方书画研究会高级书法师、中国国画院副院长、中国民协会员、甘肃省民协会员、中国中央数字电视台书画频道签约艺术家、中国乡协孔孟文化研究院客座教授、全国名人书画艺术界联合会委员、中国书画家协会名誉副主席、中国国画院华东分院名誉院长(院士)、世界非物质文化遗产研究院副院长(院士)、(香港)、世界艺术家协会副主席、北京百象文化艺术院副院长等…

自幼酷爱书法,常以古今书画名家名帖为师。先后曾在天津神州书画学院、中国书画人才研修中心高级研修班、中国书法家协会高级研修班进修。继承传统,法不泥古。追求完善,不隨流弊。多年来作品曾入展北京、上海、天津国际艺术博览会、日、巴、马、美、菲、韩、俄、联合国美术馆、北京世纪坛《世界艺术馆》、中国国家画院 (国展馆)、等展出百余次。荣获银奖、金奖、特等奖,作品并被故宫博物院、世界艺术精品博物馆、澳组委、荣宝斋、钓鱼台国宾馆、联合国等多家团体单位及国内外友人收藏。作品及事迹入编(二十一世纪人才库)、(中华名人大典)、 (世界人物辞海)、 (世界名人录)、(一代名家)、 (中华名家世界传播录)、(中国当代书画投资与收藏指南)(中国文联出版社)出版、(四海同心)丝绸之路文化交流使者(中国文联出版社)出版等大型辞书多部。手工影雕(清明上河图)获大世界基尼斯之最纪录,影雕(百载中心图志)入选文化部文化中国(文化艺术全国公共共享资源库)全国视频播放。出版有《中国实力派名家十杰》张绪仁作品集(人民日报出版社)出版 、《中国当代书画名家》张绪仁书画暨影雕作品集(天津人民美术出版社)出版,并在国家文旅部文化发展中心喜迎二十大的胜利召开所举办的书画活动中被授予“人民艺术家”荣誉称号,作品及事迹被中国艺术家档案库收录,并入选 2O23 年《全球百强榜艺术家》,2023《共和国智库专家典范》、《中国投资界鼎力推荐艺术家》、被巜中国互联网新闻中心和世界华文媒体联盟授予《中国书画终身成就奖》等。曾被中央电视台、甘肃电视台、等多家电视台报道,人民日报网,中国早晚报,中国新闻网、央视网、中国日报网、中国焦点网、中国视窗、中国媒体联盟报,中国文化报,中国国际新闻杂志、国际凤皇网《华人频道》、新华网、人民网、中国文艺报《艺术人生》栏目人物专访、香港大公报、等各大网站及大型媒体报刊报道。

Zhang Xuren, with the courtesy name Yande andpen name Renxiu and Hao, is a Taoist from Heshan, anold student, and a literary servant with the courtesyname Nong. He is half awake and half drunk. Born in1955 in Zhenyuan, Gansu, with a college degree,currently residing in Lanzhou, Gansu. I am currently aspecial artist for the State Guests of the State Council onInternational Affairs, a master of the ZhongnanhaiNational Ritual Art, a national first-class artist, a seniorcalligrapher of the China Oriental Calligraphy andPainting Research Association, Vice President of theChinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, a memberof the China Association for the Betterment andProgress of the People's Republic of China, a member ofthe China Association for the Study of Confucius andMencius Culture, a member of the National Federationof Celebrity Calligraphy and Painting Art Circles,Honorary Vice Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphersand Painters Association, Honorary President(Academician) of the East China Branch of the ChineseAcademy of Painting and Calligraphy, Vice President(Academician) of the World Intangible Cultural HeritageResearch Institute, (Hong Kong), Vice Chairman of theWorld Artists Association, and Vice President of theBeijing Baixiang Cultural

I have been fond of calligraphy since childhood andoften learn from famous calligraphers and painters fromancient and modern times. I have studied at TianjinShenzhou Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, theAdvanced Training Class of China Calligraphy andPainting Talent Training Center, and the AdvancedTraining Class of China Calligraphers Association.Inheriting tradition, the law is not outdated. Pursuingperfection, not following the trend. Over the years, hisworks have been exhibited more than a hundred timesat international art exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai, andTianjin, as well as in Japan, Pakistan, Malaysia, theUnited States, the Philippines, South Korea, Russia, theUnited Nations Museum of Art, the World Art Museumat the Beijing Century Altar, and the National Academyof Painting (National Exhibition Hall) of China. Has wonsilver, gold, and special awards, and the work has beencollected by multiple organizations and organizations,including the Palace Museum, the World Art BoutiqueMuseum, the Australian Organizing Committee,Rongbaozhai, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, the UnitedNations, and friends both domestically andinternationally. Many large-scale dictionaries have beenpublished, including the 21st Century Talent Pool, theChinese Celebrity Encyclopedia, the World FiguresDictionary, the World Celebrity List, the First GenerationFamous Masters, the World Communication List ofChinese Famous Masters, the Investment and CollectionGuide for Contemporary Chinese Painting andCalligraphy (published by the China Federation ofLiterary and Art Circles), and the Silk Road CulturalExchange Ambassador (published by the ChinaFederation of Literary and Art Circles Press). Handmadeshadow carving (Qingming Riverside Scene) has won therecord for Guinness in the Greater World, and shadowcarving (Centennial Central Atlas) has been selected fornational video playback by the Ministry of Culture ofChina (National Public Shared Resource Library ofCulture and Arts). He has published the collection ofworks of Zhang Xuren (People's Daily Press), thecollection of works of Zhang Xuren, the ChineseContemporary Famous Calligrapher and Painter, and thecollection of works of Zhang Xuren, the ChineseContemporary Painting and Calligraphy and PhotoCarving (Tianjin People's Fine Arts Press), and wasawarded the honorary title of "People's Artist" at thecalligraphy and painting activity held by the CulturalDevelopment Center of the Ministry of Culture, Tourismand Tourism of the People's Republic of China towelcome the success of the 20th National Congress. Hisworks and deeds were included in the Chinese artistarchive, and were selected into the World Top 100Artists List in 2023, the Republic Think Tank ExpertModel in 2023, the Chinese Investment Circle GreatlyRecommend Artists, and the Chinese Internet NewsCenter and the World Chinese Language Media Allianceto award the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy LifetimeAchievement Award, etc. It has been reported bymultiple TV stations, including CCTV, Gansu TV, etc. People's Daily Network, China Morning and EveningNews, China News Network, CCTV Network, China DailyNetwork, China Focus Network, China Window, ChinaMedia Alliance News, China Culture Daily, ChinaInternational News Magazine, International FenghuangNetwork "Chinese Channel", Xinhua News, People's Daily,China Literature and Art Daily "Art Life" columncharacter interviews, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao, and othermajor websites and large media newspapers.

散淡天真 妙笔典雅——记著名书法家张绪仁






故宫博物院研究员、著名鉴定专家 : 单国强


Indifferent, Innocent, and Elegant Writing - A Record

of Famous Calligrapher Zhang Xuren

I have read a couplet work created by calligrapherZhang Xuren, titled "Bamboo Rain, Clear Breeze, BananaLeaves, Shadow, Tea Smoke, Qin Rhyme, Reading Sound".Whether in terms of the theme of the work or theimpression of calligraphy, it feels particularlycomfortable. This calligraphy style is derived from thecareful inheritance of the Two Wangs' Calligraphy, witha smooth and harmonious writing style. It is arepresentative work of contemporary calligraphy thatis casual and naive, and also a classic that presentsthe charm of Athens with exquisite brushstrokes.

Calligraphers need artists to have a solidfoundation in brushwork, skillful brushwork, and aheart to heart approach to creating works like "TheQuotations of Zeng Guofan", expressing their scatteredand elegant sentiments. This is one of them. The secondrequirement is for artists to have a broad andopen-minded embrace, a sense of detachment, and a clearand insightful cultivation. When picking up their pens,they should have no worries, burdens, or distractions.The works they write will ultimately become excellentproducts guided by cultivation.

Looking at Zhang Xuren's calligraphy works one byone now, the overall feeling is that a person'scalligraphy needs to be recognized and recognized, andthere must be something beyond the technical level thatcannot be lacking, such as the temperament and demeanorof literati and the insight and knowledge of scholars.Only by combining some aspects of cultivation with thepresentation of brushstrokes and ink, can one write acalligraphy masterpiece full of literary temperament,such as "Bright Moon and Pine Scenery". Looking at thephenomenon of calligraphy now, there are actually quitea few chaotic aspects. One of the chaotic aspects isthat calligraphy and cultivation are separated, andcalligraphy has become a simple technical subject,leading to the shallow dissemination of calligraphyculture and the desertification of its connotation.Think about it, if Wang Xizhi were a calligrapher whoonly valued calligraphy techniques and lacked thecultivation and accumulation of nostalgia for heavenand earth, then no matter what, he would not be ableto write works of excellent quality, such as "Prefaceto the Orchid Pavilion", which can be passed downthrough the ages. During the process of practicingcalligraphy and learning from predecessors, Mr. ZhangXuren keenly realized that he could not fully learn thetechnical methods of inscriptions, but alsocomprehensively seek the cultivation of hispredecessors. He practiced inscriptions proficientlyand elevated his cultivation to a higher level. At thistime, if his writing was divine, his knowledge andcharacter would naturally be reflected in hisbrushstrokes. Therefore, when you look at hiscalligraphy works, such as the explanatory texts "RedArmy Crossing the Grassland" and "Introduction to YuanLongping's Life" in Xiaozhang Cao, the lines reflecthe spiritual state and main theme of the literati'swriting. These calligraphies, or rather thesecharacters, are projected by the artist's mood, likemirrors, reflecting the spiritual outlook of a country,a period of history, or a nation. From this point ofview, Zhang Xuren's calligraphy borrowed from the pastand opened up today, giving him the leadership ofwriting and ink to keep up with the times! As anexcellent calligrapher of the contemporary era, he istruly renowned and his fame is substantial.

Indifferent and innocent, with elegant and refinedbrushstrokes. Mr. Zhang Xuren's calligraphy is not justabout calligraphy, but also about making calligraphya natural expression with connotation and cultivation,not seeking excellence but being the best. This is aunique style of contemporary literati calligraphy.Having read his calligraphy works and understood hisconsistent style of dealing with people, one can becertain that practicing calligraphy requires a greatdeal of cultural effort, allowing moral cultivation tocontrol the core of writing and ink in order to achievegreat success.

Researcher and renowned expert in appraisal at the

Palace Museum: Shan Guoqiang

