

2024-02-07 财经动态 143


  叶开枝又名開智,1941 年出生于芜湖市。大学文化,结业于厦门于中国人民大学、艺术学院,书法高级创作研修班,安徽师范大学函投班。对诗词、楹联有着浓厚兴趣,特别对“藏头诗”“回文诗”即古碑圣帖精到临习、书法技艺先得汉隶、魏碑、唐楷和宋、元、明、清以及近名人墨迹。无不精心揭摩、刻意钻研。对二王行书的飘逸笔法亦有精深琢研,将自撰诗词与书法融为一体,堪称诗书两绝,诸书皆精。更能融百家长处,得技法超群,独树一帜的书法品质。





  2014 年聘为中国民族文艺家联合会名誉主席。

  2015 年授予非物质文化遗产传承人物。

  2015 年被中共中宣部评为中国杰出人物。


  2017 年授予十九大文艺代表荣誉称号。

  2018 年担任国际华人文艺家协会终身名誉会长。

  2019 年作品被埃塞俄比亚大使馆收藏。

  2019 年聘为曲阜鸿儒书画院名誉院长。

  2019 年聘为中国诗歌春节联欢晚会签约书画艺术家。

  2019 年聘请为曲阜鸿儒书画院名誉院长,终身有效。

  2019 年被评为韩中文化特使称号。

  2019 年全国两会重点推荐人民艺术家荣誉称号。

  2000 年 12 月在美国世界名人文化研究中心评叶开枝为艺术博士并颁发世界名人金杯奖证书.

  2020 年聘为孔子美术馆培训中心客座教授。

  2020 年授予世界非物质文化传承人。2021 年一月入编中国当代书坛圣手。

  2021 年授予联合国非遗艺术传播大使,联合国非遗贡献奖。

  2020 年 12 月国际艺术投资收藏网颁发全球最具投资价值与收藏潜力艺术家。

  2021 年 3 月国际艺术投资收藏网颁发全球艺术投资巅峰奖给叶开枝同志荣获第十三届全国人大二次会议,全国政协第十三届二次会议。

  2022 年成为中国服务贸易协会国际交流工作委员会会员。

  2022 年授予新时代艺术标杆荣誉称号。

  2022 年中国书画艺术名家叶开枝书法工作室。

  2022 年特授予:“中国当代艺术名家代表人物”。

  2022 年 3 月特授予中国当代艺术名家代表人物。

  2022 年授予中国文化艺术国际传播大使。

  2022 年成为雅昌艺术国际交易网会员。

  2023 年 1 月担任中艺联合(北京)信息科学研究院书画专家。

  2023 年聘为国礼文化网特约顾问。

  2023 年聘任人民书画报理事会主席。

  2023 年授予国宝级艺术大师。入选 2023 年福布斯中国(艺术福布斯)十大名人。2023 年 8 月授予国家艺坛代表性艺术家,世界文化交流贡献奖,影响世界十大金牌艺术家。

  2023 年 9 月荣获 2023 年度特提名入选“国际艺术巅峰人物”。

  2023 年 12 月经世界艺术文化网、联合国国际艺术家联合总会特授予二 0 二三年度“全球十大杰出风云人物"荣誉称号。

  2023 年 12 月人民日报授叶开枝同志“中国艺术楷模贡献人物”。

  Ye Kaizhi, also known as Kaizhi, was born in Wuhu City in 1941. University culture, graduated from Xiamen, studied at Renmin University of China, School of Arts, Advanced Calligraphy Creation Training Class, and Anhui Normal University Letter Submission Class. I have a strong interest in poetry and couplets, especially in "hidden head poetry" and"palindrome poetry", which refer to ancient stele inscriptions with exquisite calligraphy skills. I have gained proficiency in Hanli, Wei steles, Tang Kai, Song, Yuan, Ming, Qing, and other famous calligraphic works. All are meticulously revealed and deliberately studied. I have also delved deeply into the elegant brushwork of the two kings' running script, integrating self written poetry with calligraphy, making it a masterpiece of both poetry and calligraphy. All books are exquisite. More able to integrate the strengths of a hundred schools of thought,achieving exceptional skills and unique calligraphy quality.

  I am currently the President of the Huiyi Calligraphy and Painting Research Institute in Wuhu City, Anhui Province, a director and researcher of the World Calligraphers and Painters Association, a director and researcher of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, a member of the Central State Organs Calligraphers Association, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers and Painters Association, a member, director,deputy secretary-general of the Hong Kong Chinese Calligraphers Association, honorary director of the Hong Kong Calligraphers Institute, and a member of the Anhui Calligraphers Association Member Deputy Secretary General of the Calligrapher and Painter Working Committee of the New Literature and Art Group of the Chinese Calligrapher and Painter Association, member of the Chinese Poetry Society, and member of the Global Chinese Poetry Association. He is a member of the Chinese Mao Zedong Poetry Research Association, the Chinese Couplet Society, the Chinese Collectors Association,an Honorary Academician and Visiting Professor of the Royal Academy of Arts in the UK, an Honorary Doctor of the Royal Academy of Arts in Sweden, and a specially appointed ForeignHonorary Dean of the Royal Academy of Arts in France. Mr. Ye Kaizhi has been awarded the "Global Art Investment Summit Award", And awarded the honorary title of "World's Most Valuable Investment and Collection Potential Artist", "Art and Literature Honor Medal", and "Top Ten Artists in the World".

  Top 10 Influential Artists in the World.

  The World Intangible Cultural Heritage Merit Award. United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage Contribution Award.

  Exemplary individual who learns from Lei Feng throughout the country.

  In 2014, he was appointed as the Honorary Chairman of the China National Federation of Literary and Art Circles.

  In 2015, awarded as an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage.

  In 2015, he was recognized as an outstanding figure in China by the Central Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China.

  In 2017, it was recommended by various authoritative media as an outstanding influential figure in contemporary art.

  In 2017, he was awarded the honorary title of literary and artistic representative at the 19th National Congress.

  In 2018, he served as the lifetime honorary president ofthe International Chinese Artists Association.

  The 2019 work was collected by the Ethiopian Embassy.

  Appointed as Honorary Dean of Qufu Hongru Painting and Calligraphy Academy in 2019.

  Hired as a contracted calligraphy and painting artist for the Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala in 2019.

  Appointed as Honorary Dean of Qufu Hongru Painting and Calligraphy Academy in 2019, valid for life.

  In 2019, he was awarded the title of South Korea China Cultural Ambassador.

  The 2019 National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference recommended the honorary title of People's Artist.

  In December 2000, Ye Kaizhi was awarded a Doctor of Arts degree by the World Celebrity Culture Research Center in the United States and was awarded the World Celebrity Gold Cup certificate Appointed as a guest professor at the Confucius Art Museum Training Center in 2020.

  In 2020, awarded to the world's intangible cultural inheritors.

  In January 2021, he/she was included in the list of expertsin contemporary Chinese literature.

  In 2021, awarded the United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage Art Communication Ambassador and the United Nations Intangible Cultural Heritage Contribution Award.

  International art investment income in December 2020
