2024-02-07 财经动态 122
刘凤鸣,男,汉族,艺名:菊馨斋,1945 年生于天津市津南区,幼承庭训,酷爱书法,遍临晋唐名帖数十年孜孜不倦,多次参加各级比赛获奖:最高获全国老龄委和老年工作委员会 2014 年举办的华夏保险杯书法大赛获特等奖,2020 年全国翰墨杯书法金奖,2023 年文渲国粹全国书法大赛金奖等奖励曾获国礼网特邀顾问,2023 年国宝级艺术大师,中国文化国际传播大使,2023 年福布斯十大名人,中国髙级书法师等称号,其书法作品受国内外友人收藏并编辑入编2023年世界艺术年鉴,中国近当代书法名家典藏,大国艺术传世名家等书籍,并于中书协中美协主席孙晓云,苏士澍,范迪安,何家英共五人合集出版《大道同行》一册,现为:中国发布网特聘书法家,中国文化信息协会会员,中国文化管理协会书画工作委员会会员,中国书法家协会会员,中国榜书研究会会员,中国老年书画协会会员,中央艺术名家书画院名誉院长,中国部管中企艺联书画院天津分院院长。
Liu Fengming, male, Han nationality, stage name: Juxinzhai, born in Jinnan District, Tianjin in 1945. He received court training at a young age and was passionate about calligraphy. He has been visiting famous calligraphy works from Jin and Tang dynasties for decades and has been tirelessly participating in various competitions. He has won numerous awards, including the highest prize in the 2014 Huaxia Insurance Cup Calligraphy Competition held by the National Committee on Aging and the Elderly Work Committee, and the 2020 National Hanmo Cup Calligraphy Gold Award, The 2023 Wenxuan National Calligraphy Competition Gold Award and other awards have won titles such as invited consultant from Guoli Net, National Treasure level Art Master of 2023, Ambassador for International Communication of Chinese Culture, Forbes Top 10 Celebrities of 2023, and Chinese Senior Calligrapher. Hiscalligraphy works have been collected and compiled by friends both domestically and internationally into the 2023 World Art Yearbook, the collection of Chinese modern and contemporary calligraphy masters, and the inheritance of great country art, And Sun Xiaoyun, Su Shishu, Fan Dian, and He Jiaying, the Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy Association and the Chinese Artists Association, jointly published a book titled "Walking Together on the Great Way". Currently, he is a specially invited calligrapher from China Publishing Network, a member of the China Cultural Information Association, a member of the Calligraphy and Painting Working Committee of the China Cultural Management Association, a member of the China Calligraphers Association, a member of the China Ranking Book Research Association, a member of the China Elderly Calligraphy and Painting Association, and the Honorary Dean of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Calligraphy, Director of the Tianjin Branch of the China Enterprise Art Federation Calligraphy and Painting Institute under the Ministry of Management.