

2024-02-27 财经动态 106

  姓名:贾玉柳(贾东柳),女,出生 1960 年 8 月 2 日,丈夫:贾步林,大孩子:贾建国,小孩子:贾烺垄,籍贯浙江温州人社会水平书画博士,社会艺术水平考级证书专业五级书法,社会艺术水平考级证书专业五级山水,温州女企业家,著名优秀企业家、著名画家、企业名称:中国奥运温州贾经商总公司,温州贾玉柳海归石油有限公司,温州市瓯海瞿溪贾玉柳书画店,高级董事长,我在家喜喜欢欢过春节,我在家成就书画家。温州世界书画艺术名家,我在国际优秀作品论文过校。

  2011.12 人民信息网《党旗下的优秀儿女》图文征集编辑部荣誉证书

  2011.12.20 党旗下的优秀儿女(我为党旗添风采)114 页 。

  2012.5 国家名人档案库、中华艺术家文献出版 961-962-963 页 。

  2012.4.18“人民的好儿女”荣誉称号证书、勋章、特聘为人民的好儿女形象使者 。

  2012.4.18 人民的好儿女文化出版 236-237 页 。

  2011.11.25 中国高级公务员培训中心,国际职业经理人专业人才证书 。

  2011.12.22 世界教科文卫组织艺术委员担任委员长期工作证 。

  2011.10 世界教科文卫组织艺术家百科全书初版 。

  2012.12 世界艺术大师初版 。

  2012.8 中国国际艺术网担任艺术顾问长期工作证 。

  2012.6 香港五千年文化发展有限公司《世界环球艺术》荣誉证书 。

  2011.8 北京聚藏文化艺术传播中心艺术评审值(润格)书法作品 2万元平方尺 。

  2012.10 国际艺术家评估与推广委员会,艺术家五星级绘画(每平方尺 3 万元人民币) 。

  2012.10 国际艺术家评估与推广委员会,艺术家五星级书法(每平方尺 15000 人民币) 。

  2012.10.1 中国光彩事业发展促进会“中国公益事业爱心宣传大使” 。

  2011.10.1中国共产党图像年鉴宣传推广办公室商务时报社荣誉称号证书勋章 。

  2012 年元月,2011 年度最具影响力人物荣誉称号证书,荣誉奖牌 。

  2011.10 中国公益事业发展突出贡献人物奖牌,新中国建设者奖杯 。

  2012 年元月中国名人文化交流协会、中华民族团结友好协会荣誉中华一书出版 171 页 。

  2012.10.1“共和国杰出建设者”荣誉称号证书 。

  2012.10.1 共和国最具影响力模范人物风采录出版第一卷书 405页 。

  2012.10.1 庆祝中华人民共和国成立 63 周年座谈会“共和国最具影响力模范人物奖牌、勋章” 。

  2012.10.1 中国天宫一号神舟九号飞船组合奖杯 。

  2012 年度国际艺术(文化)事业联合会 。

  2012 年度中国文化事业管理委员会 。

  2012 年度香港当代艺术研究促进会 。

  2012 全球当代艺术家协会(终身副会长)永久性 。

  2012.12 国际华人最具影响力艺术大师 。

  2010.4.13 艺术品(金元宝)有在联合国艺术品保真认证协会鉴定证系统(真迹证书)证副本 。

  2010.4.13 艺术品(石宝盘)有在联合国艺术保真认证协会鉴定系统(真迹证书)证副本

  2010.4.13 艺术品(百年好合)有在联合国艺术保真认证协会鉴定系统(真迹证书)证副本 。

  2010.4.13 艺术品(招财进宝)有在联合国艺术保真认证协会鉴定系统(真迹证书)证副本 。

  2010.4.13 艺术品(一帆风顺)有在联合国艺术保真认证协会鉴定系统(真迹证书)证副本 。

  2012 年 4 月中国人民银行 2011 年度被评为《特别贡献》荣誉名额,荣誉证书。

  2014 年中国共产党中央委员会党校,荣获 2013 年度全国“十佳优秀 。

  退休干部”称号荣誉证书。世界华人艺术家联合会荣获 2014 年“中国当代十大名家”称号荣誉证书。中国政协画院,担任政协画院(副院长之职)荣誉聘书 2014 年。中国国家书画院,国家艺术奖金奖荣誉称号“国家艺术大师荣誉称号”2014 年。中国国际经济技术合作促进会品牌促进中心《全国书画行业 A 级 AAAAA 服务单位,温州市贾玉柳书画店》2014 年。中华人民共和国国家版权局《著作权登记证书》经中国版权保护中心审核“书法作品沁园春雪”书法版权保护证书;2014-6-01029 号。中华人民共和国国家版权局,著作权登记证书,经中国版权保护中心审核,美术作品《钓鱼岛》国画版权,登记证号:2014-6-01029。世界华人艺术品评估鉴定委员会,ISC2014 艺术品评审润格为:国画(作品)500 至 550 亿英镑 1 平方尺,ISC2014艺术品评审润格为:书法(作品)450 至 500 亿英镑 1 平方尺,证书档案编号:NO2014-130858,中国就业培训技术指导中心《高级信用管理师、国家职业资格一级》证书编号:PXXYGL14060023。中华人民共和国文化部艺术委员会,世界华人收藏家协会,世界艺术研究会,有专家严格审核“最贵国宝艺术家”荣誉称号,国宝艺术珍品证书2014 年,国宝艺术珍品金杯。

  2015 年 5 月在国际贸易中心成交证书 。


  2015 年 5 月份在国际贸易中心《价格审核认定证书》 。

  钓鱼岛国画价格审核认定以一万亿英镑每平尺(包括佣金和税收)。2015 年 5 月份在国际贸易中心登记《交易记录证书》钓鱼岛国画。

  我们是世界英教委批准(编导:0AA130148-58),证书编号:2016000685, 职务:客座教授 ,聘书有牛津艺术学院:名誉教授2016.10 荣誉证书,韩中文化友好促进会:名誉会长聘任书 2016.82016 年 6 月世界文艺家企业家交流中心荣誉证书,当代文艺大师“开 国大典”纪念金砖奖珍藏版。

  聘书中国书画艺术的大繁荣是中国艺术家收藏协会名誉副会长,聘书编号:2GYSSC-160712.2016 年 7 月 北京中航融古文物鉴定中心,艺术品鉴定评估委员会,中国艺术品润 格评估证书编号:2G0017006;书法作品 200 万亿英镑/平方尺,国宝 钓鱼岛 9900 万亿英镑

  2017 年 1 月北京人民画院荣誉证书“人民艺术家金鸡奖” 。

  2017 年 1 月北京华夏艺览文化艺术院荣誉证书“名誉顾问”荣誉称号。

  2017 年 1 月中国中外名人文化研究会文化艺术委员会“全面深化改革突出贡献人物”荣誉称号。

  2017 年 1 月时代创业楷模(北京)文化发展中心荣誉证书,荣誉主席“两学一做”学习教育,“党章党规,学系列讲话,做合格党员”天下第一福。

  艺术海内外人士,贾玉柳于2005年在中国纪念抗日战争胜利60周年,于 2005 年 8 月 15 日在回归海洋大油田,日本东京邮电客机、北京西 站火车铁路、南昌水泥厂矿产一起回归来,会国 2005 年 8 月20 日到 莫斯科回归成立。2005 年 8 月 22 日开始营业海洋大油田石油,海洋 大油田场所有利勘探面积 1570 平方米,石油储量 10 亿吨,我在海洋 大油田回归来续 7 年现金收入(1.969 万亿元)2011年 12 月 31 日已 经估算。2011 年 9 月 3 日报告,2011 年 9 月6 日在海洋蓬莱 19-3 油 田回归,我在回归渤海海洋蓬莱 19-3 油田抗战面积(5500)多平方 公里回归规则执行五千年历史使用权利。

  我们回归石油、石化现金永 久性收入属股份制管理,主管部门是中国共产党! 我们回归石油石化现金永久性收入属股份制五千年历史所有权。我们 回归海洋石油石化经营收入现金是永久性股份制五千年历史所有权 有宪章规定第十八条章,第一百零九条宪法规则。规则五千年历史和 平使命权力!我们在海洋钓鱼岛等岛屿回归领海面积约 37 万平方公 里在中国领海成功,2012 年 9 月 10 日至 15日中国五星红旗升高,沿海国在海洋基线以外 12 海里(约 22.2km)内的海域为该国领海,24 海里(约 44.5km)内为毗连区,200 海里(约 370km)内的海域为 专属经济区,在领海内,沿海国对领海海域及对应领空、海底、底土 享有国家主权;在毗连区内,沿海国对海关、财政、移民和卫生等享 有管制权;在专属经济区内,沿海国对一切海洋资源及能源享有勘探。 台湾一切回归是中国领土管理用中国五星红旗升高红旗飘飘,台湾一 切回归是在中国领土的管理在五千年历史和平使命一起发展,台湾一 切回归时间 2012 年 9 月15 日。

  我们在海洋钓鱼岛等岛屿回归所有权是五千年历史权利决定,自我在 海洋钓鱼岛等岛屿回归所有权是五千年历史艺术性,工作权利规定。《2012 年 9 月 15 日至 7012 年 9 月 14 日》我们是国内、国外回归所 有权是五千年历史永久性艺术工作权利,我们在海洋钓鱼岛等岛屿管 理属股份制条例规定:日本政府,日本东京都一律经营停止停业,日 本政府承担宪法责任;第十八条宪章,第一百零九条宪法规定。日本 政府东京都办公楼所有财产交给我们,我们在中国主权,我们在世界 艺术主权。我们家人民群众财产在您日本手中!我们意你交还给我自 己管理维护指令权。我中国人民群众财产生命损害时间 1937 年 7 月 7 日至 1945 年 8 月 15 日你日本无条件事投降停止。海洋钓鱼岛等岛 屿所有场所财产交还给我中国,中国就属中华民族琉球,我国家领海 琉球用宪法规定属所有权。我们回归海洋钓鱼岛等岛屿属在中国管理 是五星红旗飘飘 2012 年 9 月15 日日本所有权一律交称给我中国管理 工作,艺术性工作就在钓鱼岛等岛屿琉球管理,我们在钓鱼岛等岛屿是艺术工作琉球管理是五千年历史永久性和平使命权利。我们艺术工作在中国共产党组织管理机制;中国共产党组织、解放军、空军、海军在钓鱼岛等岛屿工作琉球管理等等自我建设项目:108 个项目建设在国内、国外统一琉球五千年历史和平使命艺术工作;宪法规定第十八条章,第一百零九条宪法规则执行钓鱼岛等岛屿五千年永久历史权利。我们在海界江河属钓鱼岛等岛屿规定永久五千年历史权利和两个孩子子孙孙女代代留,指令权利。管理主权我们在海洋钓鱼岛岛屿等等责任管理和平使命管理主权!

  我们是艰苦奋斗在工作中,环境属和党中央十八大胜利工作是中国共产党,我是为党和国家全面建设。我们形容争斗十分艰苦,我在困难行动生活中是艰苦奋斗属小康社会关键时期,国家改革开放,全社会事翻天覆地成功,《非常利益重如泰山如意高兴努力十分光荣》我在中国特色是社会主义伟大旗帜鲜明国家,一人为本。中共中央十八大胜利,以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻海内外总结,香港、澳门、台湾在一起和平建设是党中央指导命令!指导命令是中国共产党,中国共产党属为了中华民族。我们抗地战海五千年历史和平使命艺术工作,《2012 年 9 月 15 日至 7012 年 9月 14 日》!

  Name: Jia Yuliu (Jia Dongliu), female, born on August 2, 1960,husband: Jia Bulin, eldest child: Jia Jianguo, child: JiaQilong, native of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, with a PhD in social level calligraphy and painting. She holds a Level 5calligraphy and a Level 5 landscape painting certificate for social art proficiency. She is a Wenzhou female entrepreneur,a famous outstanding entrepreneur and painter Enterprise Name:Wenzhou Jiajing Business Corporation for the Chinese Olympic Games, Wenzhou Jiayuliu Haigui Oil Co., Ltd,

  Jia Yuliu Calligraphy and Painting Store in Quxi, Ouhai,Wenzhou City, Senior Chairman. I enjoy celebrating the SpringFestival at home,

  I became a calligrapher and painter at home. Wenzhou is a world-renowned calligrapher and painter in the art world, and

  I have published papers on international excellent works Over school.

  December 2011, People's Information Network solicited the honorary certificate of the editorial department for the graphic and textual collection of "Excellent Children under the Party"

  December 20, 2011, Excellent Children under the Party Flag (IAdd Charm to the Party Flag) page 114.

  May 2012 National Celebrity Archive and Chinese Artist Literature Publication, pages 961-962-963.

  On April 18, 2012, the honorary title certificate, medal, and special appointment of "People's Good Child"

  Children's image ambassadors.

  April 18, 2012, People's Good Children Culture Publishing,pages 236-237.

  2011.11.25 China Senior Civil Servant Training Center,International Professional Manager Certificate Books.

  On December 22, 2011, the World Organization for Education,Science, Culture, and Health's Art Committee served as a member of the committee with a long-term work permit.

  First edition of the Encyclopedia of Artists by UNESCO in October 2011.

  First edition of World Art Masters, December 2012.

  Long term work certificate as an art consultant for China International Art Network in August 2012.

  Honorary Certificate for World Global Art by Hong Kong 5000 Year Cultural Development Limited in June 2012.

  2018 Beijing Juzang Cultural and Art Communication Center Art Review Value (Runge) Calligraphy Works 2 Ten thousand yuan per square foot.

  October 2012, International Artist Evaluation and Promotion Committee, Artist Five Star Painting (per square meter)Feet 30000 RMB.

  October 2012, International Artist Evaluation and Promotion Committee, Artist Five Star Calligraphy (per square meter)15000 RMB per foot.

  On October 1, 2012, he was appointed as the "Ambassador of Love for Public Welfare in China" by the China Association for the Promotion of the Development of Glory.

  2011.10.1 Honorary title of Business Times Office of CPC Image Yearbook Publicity and Promotion Office Certificate Medal.

  In January 2012, the 2011 Most Influential Person Honorary Title Certificate and Honorary Medal were awarded.

  The Outstanding Contribution Medal for China's Public Welfare Development in October 2011 and the New China Builder's Trophy.Honors of China Celebrity Cultural Exchange Association and Chinese National Unity and Friendship Association in January 2012 Huayi Book is published on 171 pages.

  Certificate of Honorary Title for "Outstanding Builder of the Republic" on October 1, 2012.

  On October 1, 2012, the first volume of the book "The Most Influential Model Figures of the Republic" was published with a total of 405 pages.

  On October 1, 2012, a symposium to celebrate the 63rd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China was held, with the theme of "The Most Influential Image of the Republic"

  Model Character Medal and Medal in Xiangli.

  October 1, 2012, China Tiangong-1 Shenzhou-9 spacecraft combination trophy.

  2012 International Federation of Arts (Culture) Undertakings.

  2012 China Cultural Affairs Management Committee.

  2012 Hong Kong Association for the Promotion of Contemporary Art Research.

  The 2012 Global Association of Contemporary Artists (Lifetime Vice President) is permanent.

  December 2012, the most influential art master among international Chinese.

  On April 13, 2010, the artwork (Jin Yuanbao) was certified by the United Nations Association for the Preservation of Art Copy of system (authentic certificate) certificate.

  On April 13, 2010, the artwork (Shibaopan) was certified by the United Nations Association for the Preservation of Art in the authentication system

  (Certificate of Authenticity) Certificate Copy: April 13, 2010.The artwork (Centennial Love) has a copy of the Certificate of Authenticity in the United Nations Association for the Accreditation of Art Fidelity.

  On April 13, 2010, the art piece (Zhaocaijinbao) was certified by the United Nations Association for the Preservation of the Arts Copy of the Certificate of Authenticity.

  On April 13, 2010, the artwork (smooth sailing) was certified by the United Nations Association for the Preservation of the Arts Copy of the Certificate of Authenticity.

  In April 2012, the People's Bank of China was awarded the honorary title of "Special Contribution" in 2011,Honorary certificate.

  In 2014, the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC won the National "Top Ten Excellence" in 2013.

  Certificate of Honor for Retired Cadres. The World Federation of Chinese Artists was awarded the "China Award" in 2014Honorary certificate of the title of "Top Ten Contemporary Chinese Masters". Chinese Political Consultative Conference Painting Academy, serving as the Deputy Director of the CPPCC Painting AcademyHonorary appointment letter for the position of dean in 2014. China National Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, National Art Prize Honor

  The title of "National Art Master Honorary Title" was awarded in 2014. China International Economic and Technological Cooperation

  The Brand Promotion Center of the Promotion Association, a National A-level AAAAA Service Unit in the Calligraphy and Painting Industry, Jia Yuliu Calligraphy and Painting Store in Wenzhou City, 2014. The Copyright Registration Certificate of the National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China has been reviewed and approved by the China Copyright Protection Center for the "Qinyuan Spring Snow Calligraphy Copyright Protection Certificate"; 2014-6-01029. The National Copyright Administration of the People's Republic of China has obtained a copyright registration certificate, which has been reviewed by the China Copyright Protection Center. The Chinese painting copyright of the artwork "Diaoyu Islands" isregistered with certificate number 2014-6-01029. World Chinese Art Evaluation and Appraisal Committee, ISC2014 Art Art review and polishing: Traditional Chinese painting(artwork) worth £ 50 to £ 55 billion per square foot, ISC2014 Art review and polishing: Calligraphy (works) worth £ 45 to £ 50 billion per square foot, certificate file number: NO2014-130858, certificate number: PXXYGL14060023 from China Employment Training Technical Guidance Center for Senior Credit Manager and National Vocational Qualification Level 1.The Art Committee of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China, the World Association of Chinese Collectors,and the World Art Research Association,

  Experts rigorously review the honorary title of "Most Valuable National Treasure Artist" and the National Treasure Art Treasure Certificate

  In 2014, the National Treasure Art Treasure Gold Cup.Certificate of transaction at the International Trade Center in May 2015.

  The traditional Chinese painting of the Diaoyu Islands costs one trillion pounds per square foot (including commissions and taxes).

  In May 2015, the Price Review and Certification Certificate was issued at the International Trade Center.

  The review and determination of the price of traditional Chinese paintings on the Diaoyu Islands is based on one trillion pounds per square foot (including commissions and taxes).

  In May 2015, the Diaoyu Islands National Painting was registered with the International Trade Center as a Transaction Record Certificate.

  We are approved by the World Education Commission (Director:0AA130148-58), Certificate Number:2016000685, Position: Visiting Professor, Appointment Letter:Honorary Professor, Oxford Academy of Arts, October 2016 Honorary Certificate, Korean China Cultural Friendship Promotion Association, Honorary President Appointment Letter,August 2016

  Honorary Certificate of the World Cultural and Entrepreneurial Exchange Center in June 2016, Collection Edition of the Commemorative BRICS Award for Contemporary Literary and Artistic Masters at the Founding Ceremony.

  The Great Prosperity of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Art is the Honorary Vice President of the Chinese Artists Collection Association

  Number: 2GYSSC-160712.2 July 2016 Beijing Zhonghang Ronggu Cultural Relics Appraisal Center, Art Appraisal and Evaluation Committee, China Art Runge Evaluation Certificate Number:2G0017006; Calligraphy works: 200 trillion pounds/square foot;Diaoyu Island, a national treasure: 990 trillion pounds; in January 2017, the honorary certificate of Beijing People's Painting Academy "People's Artist Golden Rooster Award".

  In January 2017, Beijing Huaxia Art Exhibition Cultural and Art Institute was awarded the honorary title of "Honorary Advisor".

  In January 2017, the Cultural and Art Committee of the China Association for the Study of Chinese and Foreign Celebrity Culture "comprehensively deepened the reform"The honorary title of "Outstanding Contribution to Revolution".

  Honorary Certificate of Era Entrepreneurship Model (Beijing)Cultural Development Center in January 2017, Honorary Principal Learning and education on "Two Studies and One Action", "Party Constitution and Regulations, Study Series of Speeches, and Be a Qualified Party Member"

  The greatest blessing in the world.

  Artists at home and abroad, Jia Yuliu commemorated the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti Japanese War in China in 2005,

  On August 15, 2005, after returning to the offshore oil field,Japan's Tokyo Post and Telecommunications passenger plane,Beijing West Station railway, and Nanchang Cement Plant mineral resources returned together. Huiguo returned to Moscow on August 20, 2005 and was established. On August 22, 2005, the operation of the offshore oil field began. The offshore oil field has a total exploration area of 1570 square meters and oil reserves of 1 billion tons. I have continued my cash income for 7 years since the return of the offshore oil field (1.969 trillion yuan) in 2011It has been estimated as of December 31st of this year. On September 3, 2011, it was reported that on September 6, 2011, the Penglai 19-3 oilfield returned to the Bohai Sea. I executed the 5000 year historical use rights for the return of the Penglai 19-3 oilfield, which covers an area of over 5500 square kilometers during the Anti Japanese War.The permanent cash income of our return to oil and petrochemical belongs to joint-stock management, and the competent department is the CPC! We return to the ownership of the permanent cash income of petroleum and petrochemical companies,

  which has a 5000 year history of shareholding. We return to the operating income of offshore oil and petrochemical companies.Cash is a permanent shareholding system with a history of five thousand years. The ownership is governed by Article 18 of the Charter and Article 109 of the Constitution. Rule 5000 years of history, peaceful mission and power! We have successfully returned to China's territorial waters with an area of approximately 370000 square kilometers on islands such as the Diaoyu Islands in the ocean. From September 10th to 15th, 2012,China's five-star red flag was raised, and the coastal country's territorial waters were within 12 nautical miles(approximately 22.2km) of the ocean baseline, adjacent zones were within 24 nautical miles (approximately 44.5km), and exclusive economic zones were within 200 nautical miles(approximately 370km). Within the territorial waters, coastal countries have control over their territorial waters and corresponding airspace The seabed and subsoil enjoy national sovereignty; Within the adjacent zone, coastal countries have control over customs, finance, immigration, and health; Within the exclusive economic zone, coastal countries enjoy exploration of all marine resources and energy. All returns to Taiwan are part of China's territorial management, with theChinese five-star red flag raised and the red flag fluttering.All returns to Taiwan are part of China's territorial management, which has developed along with its 5000 year history of peaceful missions. The date of all returns to Taiwan was September 15, 2012.

  Our return to ownership on islands such as the Diaoyu Islands in the ocean is a 5000 year historical right decision, while our return to ownership on islands such as the Diaoyu Islands in the ocean is a 5000 year historical art and a work right regulation. From September 15, 2012 to September 14, 7012, we are both domestic and foreign. The return of ownership is a permanent artistic work right with a history of five thousand years. We are fishing in the oceanThe management of islands such as Yujima belongs to the joint-stock system regulations, which stipulate that the Japanese government and Tokyo all operate and cease operations, and the Japanese government bears constitutional responsibility; Article 18 of the Charter,Article 109 of the Constitution. All property of the Tokyo Metropolitan Office Building of the Japanese government is entrusted to us, and we have sovereignty over China and art worldwide. Our people's property is in your Japanese hands! We request that you return me with the authority to manage andmaintain instructions for myself. From July 7, 1937 to August15, 1945, the period of property and life damage to the Chinese people was from your unconditional surrender to Japan. The property of all places on islands such as the Diaoyu Islands in the ocean shall be returned to China, and China shall belong to the Chinese nation of Ryukyu. According to the Constitution,the territorial waters of Ryukyu belong to China. We will return to the ocean, and the Diaoyu Islands and other islands will be managed in China under the Five Star Red Flag. On September 15,2012, all Japanese ownership will be handed over to China for management. The artistic work will be managed in Ryukyu, the Diaoyu Islands and other islands. Our artistic work will be managed in Ryukyu, which is a permanent peace mission with a history of five thousand years. Our art work is organized and managed by the CPC; Self construction projects such as CPC organization, the People's Liberation Army, the Air Force and the Navy working in Diaoyu Island and other islands, such as Ryukyu management, etc.: 108 projects were built to unify Ryukyu's 5000 year history at home and abroad, art work of peace mission; The Constitution stipulates that Chapter 18 and Article 109 shall enforce the permanent historical rights of the Diaoyu Islands and other islands for five thousand years.

  We have established permanent 5000 year historical rights and the right to have two children and grandchildren stay on behalf of us on islands such as the Diaoyu Islands in the maritime border. We manage sovereignty in the oceans, Diaoyu Islands,and other areas of responsibility, peace, mission, and sovereignty management!

  We are working hard in our work, and the environment belongs to the victory work of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

  The CPC, I am for the comprehensive construction of the party and the country. We describe the struggle as very difficult,and I

  In the difficult action life, it is a crucial period of hard work and struggle for a moderately prosperous society. The country's reform and opening up,

  Great success has been achieved in the whole society. Great interests are as important as Mount Taishan

  I am a socialist country with distinctive characteristics and a people-oriented approach. The 10th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

  Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Important Thought of Three Represents, we will deeply implement the Eight Great Victories

  At home and abroad, the peaceful construction of Hong Kong,Macao, and Taiwan together is the guiding order of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China!

  The guiding order is the CPC, and the CPC belongs to the Chinese nation. We are fighting against the sea and ground Five thousand year history of peace mission art work, from September 15, 2012 to September 14, 7012!
