
李仁枝——2024 世界艺术舞台领航者

2024-03-26 财经动态 121



  李仁枝,别名:润芝、仁之。(53.1)湖南衡阳人。毕业于中国书画函授大学,结业于清华大学美术学院。国家高级美术师、中国珍藏级艺术家、中国非遗高级书画传承师、《华夏儿女》——优秀艺术传承之星。任职:中国艺术网荣誉副主席、中国民建会艺专委副秘书长;中国文化信息协会常务理事;中国国际艺术网顾问;瑞典皇家艺术学院荣誉博士;博鰲亚州艺术人才研究会研究员、副理事长。1991 年以来,受邀参加了新加坡、巴黎、莫斯科、圣彼得堡、洛杉矶、迪拜、首尔、香港、港门、北京等地区的书画展览与艺术交流活动,并多有获奖。


  2021 年:

  3 月 19 日,中国质量认证监督管理中心综合评审推选为“中国书画行业杰出创新人物”。

  12 月 12 日,国际艺术收藏组委会,被作为艺术形象代表重点推荐和专题报道。

  2022 年:

  2 月 2 日,中国新媒体组委会报道:积极助力 2022 年北京冬奥会,特颁发:“特别推荐艺术家”。

  7 月 31 日,具备德艺双馨优秀艺术家品质,特批准加入“中国艺术名家档案中心”。

  8 月 13 日,央羙传承文化组委会,作为重点推荐和专题报道《企业每日重点推荐艺术家》。

  9 月 28 日,推荐参加“金秋迎国庆,举国庆华厦”大型艺术人物报道,并被授予“中国艺术典范人物”荣誉称号。

  10 月 26 日,《官方推荐》为“新时代书画代表人物”,作品评定为“功底深厚、风格鲜明、独特,具有极高的艺术收藏价值。”

  12 月 3 日,国家艺术形象大使人物评选组委会,特授予“国家艺术形象人物”称号。

  12 月 5 日,最具收藏价值艺术家评选组委会,特授予“2023 年度最具收藏价值艺术家”。

  12 月 12 日,两会特别推荐艺术家评选组委会,特颁发“两会特别推荐艺术家”荣誉称号。

  12 月 18 日,书法作品经编委会评审为“国家文化公园主题画册篇”。

  12 月 31 日,被世界艺术家联合会、全球品牌实验室及其独立的评测委员会,评测为“2022 年中国最具价值品牌艺术家百强榜(书画榜)”。

  2023 年:


  1 月 29 日,国家文化和旅游部评礼,德艺双馨书画名家”

  6 月 20 日,北京胡润国际艺术鉴定中心,评定为“2023 收藏指数推荐五星艺术家”。

  7 月 15 日,经央视在线组委会评定“感动中国 2023 年度艺术人物”。

  9 月 1 日,经国际艺术巅峰人物评选组委会,提名入选“2023 年度国际艺术巅峰人物”。

  11 月 11 日,经融通系路、共享未来——一带一路成果展组委会,特授予“国际文化交流卓越艺术使节”称号。

  Li Renzhi, also known as Runzhi or Renzhi. (53.1) Born in Hengyang, Hunan. Graduated from China Correspondence University of Calligraphy and Painting, and graduated from the School of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University. National Senior Artist, Chinese Treasure level Artist, Senior Inheritor of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Calligraphy and Painting, and "Children of China" - Star of Excellent Art Inheritance. Position:Honorary Vice Chairman of China Art Network and Deputy Secretary General of the Art Professional Committee of China Civil Construction Association; Executive Director of the China Cultural Information Association; Consultant of China International Art Network; Honorary Doctorate from the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts; Researcher and Vice Chairman of the Boao Asian Art Talent Research Association. Since 1991, I have been invited to participate in calligraphy and painting exhibitions and art exchange activities in Singapore, Paris, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Los Angeles, Dubai, Seoul, Hong Kong, Gangmen, Beijing and other regions, and have won many awards.

  For over half a century, Mr. Li Renzhi has never given up on studying and delving into the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, no matter how busy his work is in any position. He has always been dedicated tothe study and creation of calligraphy and painting, and actively participated in various cultural activities both domestically and internationally, achieving a series of achievements.

  In 2021:

  On March 19th, the China Quality Certification and Supervision Administration Center comprehensively evaluated and selected him as an outstanding innovative figure in the Chinese calligraphy and painting industry.

  On December 12th, the International Art Collection Organizing Committee was recommended and featured as a representative of artistic images.

  In 2022:

  On February 2nd, the China New Media Organizing Committee reported that it actively assisted in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics and awarded "Special Recommended Artists".

  On July 31st, possessing the qualities of excellent artists with both moral and artistic excellence, it was approved to join the "Chinese Art Masters Archives Center".

  On August 13th, the Central Cultural Heritage Organizing Committee recommended and reported on "Daily Key Recommended Artists for Enterprises" as a key feature.

  On September 28th, I was recommended to participate in thelarge-scale art figure report "Welcoming National Day in the Golden Autumn, Holding National Day Huaxia" and was awarded the honorary title of "Chinese Art Model Figure".

  On October 26th, "Official Recommendation" was selected as a"representative figure of calligraphy and painting in the new era", and the work was rated as "profound in skills, distinctive in style, and unique, with extremely high artistic collection value."

  On December 3rd, the organizing committee for the selection of National Art Image Ambassadors awarded the title of "National Art Image Figure".

  On December 5th, the organizing committee for the selection of artists with the most collectible value awarded them the title of "2023 Artist with the Most Collectible Value".

  On December 12th, the organizing committee for the selection of artists recommended by the Two Sessions presented the honorary title of "Special Recommended Artist by the Two Sessions".

  On December 18th, the calligraphy work was evaluated by the editorial board as a "National Cultural Park Theme Album".

  On December 31st, it was evaluated as one of the "Top 100 Most Valuable Brand Artists in China in 2022 (Calligraphy and Painting List)" by the World Artists Federation, Global Brand Laboratory, and their independent evaluation committee.

  In 2023:

  According to the evaluation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China, he is a renowned calligrapher and painter who reports to the people, presents gifts to the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and possesses both moral and artistic excellence.

  On January 29th, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism awarded him the title of "Famous Calligrapher and Painter with Virtue and Art

  On June 20th, Beijing Hurun International Art Appraisal Center rated it as a recommended five-star artist for the 2023 Collection Index.

  On July 15th, it was evaluated by the CCTV Online Organizing Committee as "Touching China's 2023 Artistic Figures".

  On September 1st, the organizing committee of the International Art Summit Selection nominated and selected "2023 International Art Summit Figures".

  On November 11, the Organizing Committee of the the Belt and Road Achievements Exhibition was awarded the title of "Outstanding Artistic Envoy for International Cultural Exchange".


